The Organization Development Network is an international professional association of organization development practitioners. Our members come from all 50 states of the USA, Canada, Mexico, Puerto Rico, and around the world. Some are...
In today’s society, the professional development of teachers is urgent due to the constant change in working conditions and the impact that information and communication technologies have in teaching practices.
RINACE es una red profesional de investigadores e investigadoras educativos comprometidos por conseguir incrementar los niveles de calidad y equidad de los sistemas educativos de Iberoamérica.
The ICP is a global association of school leadership organisations. It has over 40 members, made up of school leadership associations. Each member is itself a major organisation that supports the professional development and work of...
Principals Australia was set up as the Australians Principals Associations Professional Development Council (APAPDC Inc) in 1993 at the national conference of the Australian Principals Associations...
ESHA, the European School Heads Association, is a professional organisation for European School Heads. Members of ESHA are national organisations for school heads and deputy school heads within primary and secondary education. Nearly...
EDADi es una Federación de Asociaciones que se constituye en Murcia el 20 de Mayo de 2005. En la actualidad está integrada por las siguientes entidades:
Asociación de cargos y excargos directivos de Catalunya -AXíA- sociación de...
AXIA és una associació civil, d'àmbit territorial català, sense ànim de lucre, integrada per persones que exerceixen o hagin exercit càrrecs de direcció a l'Educació Pública de Catalunya.
La Organización de Estados Iberoamericanos para la Educación, la Ciencia y la Cultura (OEI) es un organismo internacional de carácter gubernamental para la cooperación entre los países iberoamericanos en el campo de la...
The information network on education in Europe, Eurydice has since 1980 been one of the strategic mechanisms established by the European Commission and Member States to boost cooperation, by improving...