El Proyecto Coyhaique es un proyecto de la Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo (AECID) en el que participan la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelon a (España), Universidad de Talca (Chile), Federación de...
The information network on education in Europe, Eurydice has since 1980 been one of the strategic mechanisms established by the European Commission and Member States to boost cooperation, by improving...
The objectives of the EFEA are the development and promotion of new concepts in the field of educational administration within a European context, and to stimulate and facilitate contacts and the exchange of information between members...
EGOS is a scholarly association which aims to further the theoretical and/or empirical advancement of knowledge about organizations, organizing and the contexts in which organizations operate. It has an associated journal – Organization...
T he Ins t i t u t e for t he S t udy of Knowledge Managemen t in Educa t ion (ISKME) is an independen t , nonprofi t research ins t i t u t e t ha t helps schools, colleges, universi t ies, and t he organiza t ions t ha t suppor t t...
The National College for School Leadership (NCSL) helps make a positive difference to children’s lives through the development of world-class school and children’s centre leaders. We provide a range of leadership development activities...
DEUSTO.TV es una iniciativa sin fines de lucro que está constituida por canales de televisión a través de Internet, preparados para ofrecer de manera interactiva contenidos formativos, profesionales y culturales. Algunos de estos...
The University Council for Educational Administration is a consortium of major research universities with doctoral programs in educational leadership and policy. The dual mission of UCEA is to improve the preparation of educational...
En el marco de su programa de apoyo a las estrategias nacionales, y particularmente para la realización de la Educación para Todos, el sector de Educación propone red virtual sobre la Planificación y el Management de la Educación : E-...