The American Association of School Administrators, founded in 1865, is the professional organization for more than 13,000 educational leaders across the United States. AASA members range from chief executive officers, superintendents...
El Proyecto Coyhaique es un proyecto de la Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo (AECID) en el que participan la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelon a (España), Universidad de Talca (Chile), Federación de...
Organization Studies (OS) , published in collaboration with the European Group of Organization Studies (EGOS), aims to promote the understanding of organizations, organizing, and the organized in and between societies, through the...
Some interesting issues emerge when one views organizations from a wisdom-based perspective. Does technology promote or inhibit wisdom? How do HR systems, organizational forms, management practices, and operational capabilities relate...
Discovering the wonderful and fascinating world of modern technology can be very exciting and exhilarating, causing even the most professional people amongst us to feel and act a little “giddy” sometimes. In his book, Get Organized!:...
The Journal of Educational Administration seeks to meet the needs of principals, superintendents and directors of education interested in the practice and theory of educational administration. To ensure academic integrity, each paper...